Download SetiStats

You can download the latest version of SetiStats either over at or here:

DOWNLOAD Version 1.2, 2005-November-3


1.2 - Fix for Mac OS X 10.4.3
    - User and team information can now be accessed by clicking on the names
1.1 - added version number to flip-side
    - Fixed bug with team: "None", Widget now displays stats in that case, too 
1.0 - initial release

[Update 2005-06-29:] Reload interval now acts as expected. Reloads data from servers only after set period, or if you flip the widget (to reflect changes done).

Sorry, bin wohl zu blöd, aber wo finde ich denn die ID für das Widget?


Hi… Seti-website, “Your account”, scroll down to “other” section, it’s the “Account number” stated there (as long as you’re logged into the setiathome website, which I assume)…

Question was how to find the account number you have to enter on the back side of the Widget, for the non-German speaking folks out there… :smiley:

Ooops! Sorry for the german posting! :blush:

Found it! Thanks!


:smiley: np… just thought that others might have that problem, too. So I translated your question just in case… :wink: