Welcome to the SetiStats forum!

This is just a small support board for the SetiStats Dashboard widget. If you hve any suggestions or problems, just leave a message here! Otherwise: have fun. :smiley:

Installed the Widget and entering the numbers I received from berkeley I mean 9 numbers. Is that correct ?

Would be nice if it works… thanks

You must use the Account number thats used in URLs. You find it on your account site of the Berkeley-HP.

[quote=“unzip”]Installed the Widget and entering the numbers I received from berkeley I mean 9 numbers. Is that correct ?

Would be nice if it works… thanks[/quote]

I started in the beginning and my email address is out of date, and I never had a password or number. Looks like I can’t use this unless I set up a new account and loose all my work…bummer.

Think so… I don’t know if there’s a way to retrieve that information without your email address… :frowning:

You must use the Account number thats used in URLs. You find it on your account site of the Berkeley-HP.[/quote]

Uhmm… what’s the full URL to this site? If you could provide a direct link that be helpful. Thanks!

You mean the seti user stats web site? That’s setiathome.berkeley.edu/show_use … erid=00000

(where the „00000“ is your user ID…)